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Make sure you read our FAQs as we may have already answered your question.
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Grand Rapids Offices 616-776-2182
Grand Rapids Taproom 616-776-1195
You’ve read our FAQs, you still have a question and you prefer email to phone. That’s cool.
We would love to hear from you! Please choose what type of inquiry you have, fill out the form and we will get in touch with you shortly.
Founders is committed to supporting our community. Our Community Giving Committee meets regularly to review and process donation requests. We prioritize community giving (monetary and in-kind donations) to 501c3 non-profit organizations that support the following focus areas: Social Equity/Access, Environment, Arts & Culture, Brewing Industry Education.
Please understand that we receive an extremely high number of donation requests, and require 60 days’ notice.
We are not able to donate to:
- Organizations without 501c3 status
- Sports teams/individual athletes
- Individuals
- Bands
- Medical requests/health procedure fundraisers
- Religious entities
- Political organizations/PACs
- Organizations whose primary beneficiaries are children or anyone under 21 (e.g. private or public schools, youth sports, children’s charities, etc.)
Want to work for Founders?
Check out our current openings and learn more about what working at Founders is like.